Nursing a Cold

About a week ago I felt a cold come on.  It hit pretty fast, I woke up feeling fine but by the afternoon my throat was sore, I was coughing and all stuffed up.  That night and into the next day I kept our Wellness tincture close by and took a dose about every hour and 24 hours after I stared taking it my symptoms were almost gone.  I felt so well that I stopped/forgot to keep taking my tincture, which was a mistake, I should have kept going until I felt completely better. Fast forward a few days and  the lingering congestion flared back up into a nice solid cough, the kind that keeps you up all night. This week has been very busy, along with the normal day to day chores of running a household it was our first week back homeschooling from the Christmas break (which is always a bit dicey) and our business decided to take-off this week (thank you!), so I just ignored the cough. Then last night happened, I was up all night, literally, I watched many episodes of “Friends” propped up on pillows, popping cough drops as the minutes and hours ticked by. I’m a night person naturally, my best work happens in the wee hours of the morning, but not like this! This is just torture!

This morning I declared today a day of healing. I know how to help my body get over this and its just stupid to not do it. I brewed a cup of tea with Colts foots to sooth the cough, Mullen to support the lungs and Lobelia to help break up congestion and I’ve been drinking cup after cup along with many doses of Wellness tincture to help with any lingering infection or virus. I’m planning on a full night of very restful sleep, hoping the kids cooperate!

One reply

  1. Lisa says:

    You should teach a local herb class. I am just getting started and feel like I could learn a lot from you.

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