
One of the first flowers of the spring season is the much maligned dandelion.  Dandelion the bane of the manicured lawn. The cash cow of herbicide companies.

Dandelion, she is my friend and ally and I rejoice at her appearance.
The uses for Dandelion are numerous: greens for salad, flowers for wines and jelly, all parts of the plant are medicinal and they are one of the first spring food for the bees and other beneficial insects.

Dandelion captures the heat and energy of the sun and lights a fire in the digestive track, helping nourish and heal.  It is a liver tonic, strengthening  and healing this most important organ.

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinalis) is a persistent perennial of lawns and gardens and one of the best-known medicinal herbs in the world. All parts – the root, the leaves, the flowers, even the flower stalk – strengthen the liver. A dose of 10-20 drops of the tincture (0.5-1 ml) relieves gas, heartburn, and indigestion, as well as promoting healthy bowel movements. A tablespoon of the vinegar works well, too. More importantly, taken before meals, dandelion increases the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, thus increasing bio-availability of many nutrients, especially calcium. And the oil of the flowers is an important massage balm for maintaining healthy breasts. (There’s lots more information on dandelion in Healing Wise.)

Susun Weed

IMG_6060I am very careful when harvesting dandelion blossoms, to only take about half of what is there, leaving the rest of the flowers for the bees and to mature and spread its seeds.  Later in the fall I will harvest roots, taking only about half of the plants, giving thanks for gift of these weeds at my finger tips.
IMG_6057You can always tell it is spring on the farm when my kitchen window seal and the shelves in my pantry are filled with infusing oils.  The vinegars will be used in recipes and salad dressing. The oil will be made into salves and used as is on the skin to invigorate and refresh, giving the fire and energy of the sun to the body, the tincture and a digestive aid and liver tonic. I love using these simple plants that are right outside my door step to feed and nourish my family.


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